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Thursday, September 07, 2006 

Time For A Partnershi - Black & Brown?

CINCINNATI CHANGE believes that one of crucial root causes of crime is poverty and that we can change the conditions from which crime takes root. It is a mission of Cincinnati Change to change the conditions in which children live so that they can grow up and become adults in a nurturing and supportive community environment.

The War on Terrorism and the hope for Democracy has a problem illegal invaders in the country.

Cincinnati Change has what it believes is an example of a practical approach to the illegal invader problem.

We use the term illegal invader because that is who this solution is aimed at. If you have not broken the laws of the United States of America then the term does not apply to you. If it does we hope to create an example in Cincinnati that can provide for more secure borders within 150 days from a administrative and training headquarters located in Cleveland, Ohio.

Cincinnati Change will propose a A-76 Contract to provide totally secure borders within three years using the full resources of the federal government combined with state and local governments in cooperation to this vital national goal with a coalition of 300 corporate partners, 1,000 small business enterprises and 10,000 non governmental and faith based change agent partners.

We support a 20 year sunset law granting 50 million visas allowing foreigners legal immigrants status. This would allow them to work for 20 years in the United States at a cost of $50,000. This would include support of family unification by not subtracting the visas given to immediate relatives of U.S. citizens from visas available to all family immigrants. thereby the Illegal Invaders in this country could apply for up to 20 to 30 million visas over the next three years - they would have to sign and or their country a $50,000 Individual American Citizenship performance Bond;

Cincinnati Change will build in support for agricultural workers that builds on current law and regulation as an example while working to provide a path to legal, permanent residency and citizenship for college age students and or those in service to the federal government;

Cincinnati Change supports the application of due process rights for the illegal invaders who are facing deportation, including access to fair, humane and follow established legal procedures such as a speedy trials through remote court operations, and the creation of a pool of adequate counsel and will work in greater Cincinnati to create such an infrastructure using our patent license;

Cincinnati Change is a non governmental organization who is not a 501 C 3 organization who supports efforts to penalize anyone for providing humanitarian assistance to illegal invaders by providing American citizens in need with assistance determined by a local faith based lead coalition of community service providers at the local level such as what we will look to assemble in Cincinnati. In addition, we support our fellow human beings in their native countries in need of help. To that end we will team up with Ammons United Methodist Church and their operations to create economic and community development infrastructure through the co development of infrastructure for the 20 to 30 million illegal invaders in the United States of America, that in turns finances development in their home country and works to stop their migration;

We support efforts to require, encourage and/or deputize state and or local police to enforce federal immigration laws with oversight through the US State department;

We support the mandatory detention of undocumented invaders. Cincinnati Change will support the Department of Homeland Security by providing for the detention of up to 100,000 individuals indefinitely. This will happen within 150 days from acceptance of our A-76 proposal to DHS from an Network Operations Center located at 2439 Auburn and growing to include over 4 million sq. ft. of mixed use development in support of the network facilities that will house a million undocumented invaders. Most of these will be faith based run but overseen by the coalition created by Cincinnati Change in Cincinnati, Ohio and;

Cincinnati Change will create an A-76 Coalition to creates a contract with the US Government to create a low-level Citizenship and Immigration Digital Support Service that supports personnel exercising legal authority to judge the good moral character of an applicant for citizenship complete with thorough identity background checks and judge which type of facility that individual will go to.

We believe that the new phase the war is going in that it will have even a longer term affect on us as citizens of the United States of America. Our job is to make sure that the 8 trillion dollars spent since September 11th 2001 was spent as the 1st Phase as we rebuild America over the next five years.

Cincinnati Change will propose that we, Citizens of the United States and the 50 million people who want to become citizens spend $10 trillion dollars worldwide to bring about democracy, safe communities and peacefull coexistence with the coalition created by the United States of America and it's allies in the War.

Cincinnati Change will be one of the co-founders of a business that is majority African American owned and will be a Professional Military Corporation. One that serves clients from around the world but for Cincinnati Change will implement it's A-76 proposal through a stratagic partnership with 1,300 companies and 10,000 non governmental organizations and faith driven organizations.

At Cincinnati Change we believe that our nation can stand as a shining example to all the world of freedom and democracy, a unique honor that comes with a responsibility to lead. First we must make our streets safe and our communities secure. In Cincinnati we can create an example that can be used throughout the United States and the world.

We can and have to win the War on Terror in Cincinnati, first with Peace in the Hood with Jobs in the Hood.

We don't have all the answers but through the net we hope to bring about change in greater Cincinnati that is, in part, coordinated through a public private faith based partnership called Nati Action Agency. This organization will be formed on 17 September 2006 by Cincinnati Change and partners