BREAKING NEWS: Activist Kabaka Oba Dies Of Injuries
Cincinnati Change Media Statement
From Chairman of Cincinnati Change Fred Hargrove, Sr., PE, MBA
For Immediate Release: April 15, 2006
Contact: Nubian Oracle
From the Cincinnati Change headquarters Fred Hargrove, Sr., Cincinnati Changes Chairman and Chief Engineer issues the following statement on the passing of Michael Bailey [ General Kabaka Oba]."I hereby express my deepest sympathy and condolences to the family of Michael Bailey as Chairman of Cincinnati Change. Michael Bailey, 47, who was also known as General Kabaka Oba is dead.
From Chairman of Cincinnati Change Fred Hargrove, Sr., PE, MBA
For Immediate Release: April 15, 2006
Contact: Nubian Oracle
From the Cincinnati Change headquarters Fred Hargrove, Sr., Cincinnati Changes Chairman and Chief Engineer issues the following statement on the passing of Michael Bailey [ General Kabaka Oba]."I hereby express my deepest sympathy and condolences to the family of Michael Bailey as Chairman of Cincinnati Change. Michael Bailey, 47, who was also known as General Kabaka Oba is dead.
I did not know Michael Bailey for many years and was introduced to him through Cincinnati Change's support for some of the ideals of the Millions More Movement.
Even though he was controversial in some circles, some of the ideals that he talked about like economic inclusion and justice cannot be disputed and should be embraced by us all.
We hereby pick up the challenge before us in this my hometown."